If you would like to live on campus within walking distance of our classes, there are many student residences near INEF. If you prefer other options, please see our general accommodation information.
We have searched for information on the nearest on-campus residence halls that will be open in July and are available to international students. Please check with each residence for full details and prices.
The 4 closest residences are listed below in order of shortest to longest distance (3 to 9 minutes walking distance from our classrooms). All of them offer full board and room at very reasonable prices. In addition, all of them are within walking distance of everything you want to enjoy in the city, as well as the subway, parks…

Colegio Mayor Argentino “Nuestra Señora de Luján”
Address: Martín Fierro, 3, 28040 Madrid
Phone number: (+34) 911 812 050
Website: https://www.cmanslujan.com/
Distance from INEF: 240 meters (3 minutes walking distance)
Colegio Mayor Universitario “Marqués de la Ensenada”
Address: Avenida de Séneca, 18, 28040 Madrid
Phone number: (+34) 915 497 100
Website: https://www.cmumarquesdelaensenada.com/
Distance from INEF: 550 meters (7 minutes walking distance)
Colegio Mayor “Casa de Brasil”
Address: Avenida de la Memoria, 3, 28040 Madrid
Phone number: (+34) 914 551 560
Website: https://casadobrasil.org
Distance from INEF: 700 meters (8 minutes walking distance)
Colegio Mayor RESA “Miguel Antonio Caro”
Address: Avenida de Séneca, 6, 28040 Madrid
Phone number: (+34) 917 870 700
Website: https://resa.es/en/residences/madrid/colegio-mayor-miguel-antonio-caro/
Distance from INEF: 900 meters (9 minutes walking distance)